Le tour de l'île en canoë avec le CK Val de Sarre
We tested it for you...

Island tour by canoe

with CK Val de Sarre

For one afternoon, we boarded several canoes for a refreshing team outing! Here's a look back at a collective experience that was a little wet, but very rejuvenating, full of highlights and lots of laughs.
Follow us on this trip of just over 2 km on the river Sarre around 'l'ile', a small stretch of land close to the club, entirely surrounded by the river and canal.


for a successful adventure

Le tour de l'île en canoë avec le CK Val de Sarre

In the early afternoon, the weather was overcast but the temperature pleasant, so we all set off together in the direction of Grosbliederstroff. We have an appointment with Alain, President of a very active club, Canoë Kayak Val de Sarre.

We are greeted by several very friendly members, Rémi, Jeanne, Géraud and Noé. Their job was to explain the basic principles of successful canoeing and to supervise us throughout the trip.
Equipped with lifejackets, fitted helmets and paddles in hand, we all gathered in front of the boats to listen to Rémi's invaluable instructions.

Once our boats are in the water, known as unsinkables, we quickly realise that rhythm and coordination of movements with our partners are essential to make good progress.

Challenges and discoveries

around the island

With the sun back in the sky, we set off for a walk along the small island near the club.
Rémi and Jeanne explained that at two points, at the dike and lock 30, the boats would have to be taken out of the water before we could continue our tour.

We start our journey by going up the Saar Canal against the current. We soon reach the first tip of the island. We then paddled down the wild Saar, France on one side and Germany on the other, around the tip of the island to the dyke.
Always accompanied by our experienced kayakers, we enter the whitewater section where the current is fairly strong.

The first challenge for the bravest was to paddle down the dike on a fairly steep slope.
A successful challenge! Although a little wet and refreshed for the rest of the trip. They joined the rest of the group, who had got out of the canoes a little earlier, to find their boats on the other side.

Taking it easy in a canoe

on the Saar

This second part is even more pleasant. It's mid-afternoon, the sun's rays are reflected in the water and we let ourselves be carried gently by the current to the rhythm of the paddle strokes.
The atmosphere is calm and serene, with just the sound of the water and birdsong. We're quickly seduced by the boundless beauty of the natural world around us.
Géraud and Noé keep a close eye on us, giving us a few more tips as we go along.

We reach the other end of the island. The second crossing is a little technical, at the lock where the two rivers meet. Once again, the boats were lifted out of the water and carried with the help of our superb guides.

Back on the Canal de la Sarre, we carried on enthusiastically. Following the towpath on our right, we passed cyclists, walkers, fishermen and Monique! A regular heron, named by the members of the club.

Le tour de l'île en canoë avec le CK Val de Sarre
A successful initiation

We'll be back again!

After a few kilometres, we reached CK Val de Sarre. A successful mission for the whole team 😊.

The first to arrive are tempted to splash their colleagues as they go by, to round off this great ride on the water in good spirits!

 Thank you to the whole CK Val de Sarre team!
Thanks to her, we had a wonderful afternoon of discovery that we'll be recommending all summer long. A refreshing outing to share with family and friends! And if you're a beginner, don't worry, the explanations given are perfect for getting you started safely.

Le tour de l'île en canoë avec le CK Val de Sarre
Useful information

Things to know before boarding

A supervised outing must be booked with the club.

☀ Ideal seasons: spring to early autumn
 Distance: approx. 2 km (or just over 2 hours including preparation time)
 Level: easy. The portage of the boats makes this outing a little more strenuous!
€  12 € / person
From 6 to 8 people minimum up to 15 people maximum for a guided outing
 Meet up directly at CK Val de Sarre: 52 rue du Pont in Grosbliederstroff, right next to the large leisure area, along the towpath.
 +33 3 87 98 61 52    ckvaldesarre57@gmail.com

Accessible to children who can swim. They will be given a small life jacket adapted to their size.
⚠︎ Bring suitable clothing, closed shoes and a change of clothes.

As well as guided canoe trips, CK Val de Sarre offers canoe and paddle hire throughout the summer.
Gift vouchers are available from the Tourist Office or from our online shop.

Bons cadeaux location canoe | paddle 

A look back...

The team talks about it

It was an interesting outing and the professionals were very helpful and attentive. It's a great activity even for beginners - I'd recommend it! Marjolaine

I really enjoyed the "island tour" offered by CK Val de Sarre. The instructors are very friendly, attentive and give good advice. This activity is suitable for all ages and all levels. The duration of the ride is perfect. It's a great activity to do in summer, whether with friends or family. An outing I can highly recommend! Jeanne

A great team-building activity! A great time of laughter and pushing yourself to the limit, in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. I'd highly recommend this outing to anyone who wants to tone up their arms (or not, that's another reason why it's good to be two on the canoe)! Jennifer

Le tour de l'île en canoë avec le CK Val de Sarre
Cindy Chargée de Projets Communication à l'Office de Tourisme Sarreguemines Confluences

Article translated by Deepl.