The club CAN Courir Avec Nous (Run with us) proposes the practise of running in group! The trainings take place all the year. The club proposes initiating sessions in summer to make you progress!
The trainings:
From March to September, they are occuring on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm30 in the Buchholz forest (rue Roth, parking face to the supermarket U).
The warm-up takes place on the fitness path loop, and then some varied tracks are following.
From the end of September to the end of March, at the same schedules, trainings start from the parking of the gymnasium of the Henri Nominé’s high school, from where several roads are offered. The distances of these tracks vary generally between 9.5 and 13 kilometres.
On Sundays and holidays, the members meet at 9am at the Buchcholz forest.
Then, after a good shower, the club-house (at Pierre de Coubertin stadium) welcomes you over a glass to enjoy the friendship.
The club organises some important events too in the sport community of Sarreguemines: the 10 kilometres of Sarreguemines and the Sarregueminoises fight cancer.